Do Not Grow Weary

Listen Christians PLEASE

Many of you who often voice your feelings and positions on various topics must not grow weary in well doing!! You must learn how to allow people to disagree with you! But not frustrate you to the point that you get off Facebook and blame it on them! Be careful that it is not you who just cannot handle the pressure of others disagreeing with you? And because you cannot control your temper you just get off Facebook and retreat to blaming them, when the fault really lies in your inability to argue biblically and not grow so mad that they drive you off of this media. It is you(Christians)who must learn when to stop talking, when to unfriend a person, when to just let them ramble and leave them rambling, etc.,.

To fight anger with anger will accomplish absolutely nothing! Talk with people who are genuinely interested in a conversation and learn to dismiss those who are not, which in turn keeps you from growing to a point of anger or frustration that you cannot control. The point in an argument(reasonable discussion seeking a logical conclusion)is never to win the argument, rather, it is always to win the person to Christ! You(Christian)cannot obtain that end if you cannot control your temper and emotions! If this is you? Then know that it is you who needs personal Christian growth in how to defend your faith in the market place and cause the ungodly to be put to shame! You ought to be learning this in your Church!! If you are not, then I am interested in knowing exactly what is it that you are learning at your church?

To many Christians in this Media are to easily shaken and run off because they cannot control their emotions. Please, if this is you? Be determined to get your spiritual act together and learn to fight this battle rightly holding to the attributes of gentleness, love, and peace with an unshakable poise and an undisturbed disposition when in verbal conflict with others in this Facebook Media!!! Practice does not make perfect! Only perfect practice makes perfect outcomes for HIS GLORY

Iā€™m Thinking Out Loud about how the Christian is to handle conflict in words as a good steward of the Word Of God when in verbal confrontation with the world, unbelievers, or wolves in sheep clothing

Come on My brothers and Sisters!! You are the voice of God in this Generation! Make Him proud.